Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Garvey and Edwin's Lessons - F Block

Garvey and Edwin explained that many events on the island would teach Cole something about himself. Of the various lessons that Cole learned, (through the soaking pool, ancestor rock, animal sightings, and nightly dances) which do you think were most significant to Cole changing? Justify your answers with evidence from the text. Please use proper spelling and grammar. No text speak.


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Drew said...

I think the most significant change in cole was the nightly dances. they helped him heal and taught him lessons. the most important dance for Cole was the anger dance. the anger dance helped him forgive and change.

eric j said...

None are more significant than the other. They all together changed cole.

Anonymous said...

Drew fail.

Esteice said...

I think what helped Cole change the most were his soaks at the pond. I think that gave him time to think and he recognize his mistakes. It also helped him clear his mind from the anger he felt inside.

Nick said...

I think the most significant change in cloe is the dances. They taught about himself and about others. They also helped heal and help him figure out how to heal. The most important dance though was the dance of anger. It taught what he was doing wrong and how to fix it.

Victoria G said...

5I think the most important thing for Cole was the soaking in the pond each morning because through that he learned how to clear his mind. By doing that he was more calm and relaxed and it helped him to not get so angry.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Eric, care to elaborate?

Laura said...

i think the anger dance held the most signifigant change in Cole. He forgave his father and now can learn how to forgive himself. His father beating him was all Cole has ever known, and Cole's fathers' father did it to him. Cole's stopping the cycle so he won't turn out like his father.

Peter said...

I think that Cole learned most from the dances because he was able to release his fealings and learn things from others.

Andre Gee said...

I don't think there is one monst significant event that changed Cole the most. I think all of them together helped changed Cole in a way or another.

Laura said...

i agree with Peter.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Nick, what specifically did the Anger Dance show him about his actions?

Elena! said...

Through the various thing Edwin and Garvey taught Coole the most important one is dance, and the soaking pool. The pool taught Cole to become one with nature the icyness of the water froze away Coles worries, giving him time to think. The most important thing that Cole does are the dances. The dances teach Cole how he and animals are alike. The dance teach Cole, while everything else just clears his head.

Esteice said...

I agree with Laura. If Cole realizes that he's father didnt think he was a nothing than he shouldnt think of others as a nothing.

Clara(: said...

I think the most significant were the nightly dances and the soaking pool.
I think so because with every dance, he always learned something new about the animals that would also help him. For example, when he did the wolf dance, he learned that you need the help of others, like a wolf pack. He had been completely ignoring all of Edwin and Garvey's advice and doing things his own way, and by dancing this dance, he learned that he needs the help of others just as much as the wolves do.
I think the soaking pool is also important because it gave him a lot of time to think and become "invisible", and without soaking he wouldn't have realized that the key to seeing the spirit bear was becoming "invisible".

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Peter, do you think there was once specific dance that was most significant? Why was it helpful for him to release his feelings?

Ally said...

i think Cole carving the totem pole was the most significant to his changing.I think this beacause this was the first time that Cole made something that he saw as beautiful.Every time he chiped away a peice of wood it was like he was trying to chip away his anger. The totem pole made him calm and think about how great animals were and how much he could learn from them.It was something he could bve proud of. Eveytime he gets angry he can look at it as a reminder to stay calm

Elena said...

Clara you have quite the exellent point! I agree with everything you said (typed)

Laura said...

Cole has learned lessons just by dancing his feelings out. Yeah Soaking in the pond and the ancestor rock helped him each day, but the dances would leave a big effect on him after he did it. He won't be able to soak in the pond and roll the ancestor rock downhill everyday once he's home, but he can dance.

Stephanie said...

I think the most important lesson that helped Cole changed were the nightly dances. I think they were most important because they helped Cole better understand himself, and the world better. For example, the anger dance helped Cole to forgive himself for everything he did wrong, and that it was time to move on. When he said "I'm sorry about Peter", he was addmiting his fault, therefore forgiving himself. By forgiving himself, he was able to recgonize his anger, and try to get rid of it.

Peter said...

I think Cole will learn a lot from Peter, like the carving.

Clara(: said...

Good point, Laura.

Clara(: said...

Good point, Laura.

Ally said...

The dances just showed what he thought about animals he could think about them without dancing.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Ally, that by thinking about the animal, he can know and remember what significance it has, and also, what lesson it teaches.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Clara, can you explain the idea of being "invisible"? How did he achieve that, and why was it important to Cole to do so?

Victoria G said...

I agree with clara. Both the dances and the soaking were super important and without one of them he might not have changed as much as he has.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Andre, please explain.

Maddie(: said...

I think there were many things that were significant to Cole changing. The things that were most significant to him changing was the soaking pool, ancestor rock, and the night dances of the animals. Yes, these are many things that i think changed him, but they all did.
When Cole was soaking in the pool he had a lot of time to clear his mind and calm his anger down before he started his day, you can tell in the book that this was definatly helping him because the days that he skipped soaking he would get angry insted of being calm.
I think the ancestor rock hepled him because he carried up his anger and burdens then when he got to the top he would role it down the hill and clear all of them out of his life and during that day.
Lastly, I think that the night dances helped Cole because he danced many, many dances of the animals he saw on the island and finally thoes all led up to his anger dance which helped him out a great deal.
Cole had been most definatly changing throghout this whole story.

Clara(: said...

Haha, thanks Elena. I also agree with your point, but how do you think the animals and Cole are alike?

Brittany(: said...

I agree with Eric. It wasn't just one thing that made a huge significance in Cole's changing, it was the combination of the things Edwin and Garvey, two people who have gone through the same thing as Cole, had suggested he do. When he did everything on his "to-do list", Cole even said it himself, he didn't feel as angry as he had when he woke up. However, if I had to choose one thing, I would think that the dances helped Cole the most. He was able to release his anger, his lonliness and at the same time, learn important lessons he has not yet been exposed to. Edwin and Garvey can tell him to do certain things all they want, but Cole realizes that he has to make the choice to do these things. Doing the dances when the two aren't there shows responsibility within Cole, and I think doing something good willingly is a good step for Cole to take while he is vulnerable and "weak", or thinking a lot during his dances.

Andre G said...

ELENA! You changed my mind. Forget what I said before, I now agree with Elena! I do think the dances were the most important thing Edwin and Garvey taught Cole because in the beginning he said the animals would teach him a lot and the whole concept of the book is animals. Correcto? So the dances are best way for Cole to connect with the animals and learn from them. Oh yeah!

Rachel said...

I think Cole learned the most was when he did the dances. I think this because it showed the way of other living things lived. Cole could make connections to these and he learned something from evey dance he did.

Eric j said...

All of Coles daily routines only distract Cole from his anger. Like Edwin said " you can break off the right end of the stick as many times as you want, but it will always be there." The stick symbolized anger. Cole believes that he had lost the anger, but just like the right end of the stick, it will never go away. I believve that someday after leaving the island he will still have his anger bottled up. Untill one day it is unleashed.

Mrs. Sullivan,what I meant was that that Cole is just being distracted from his anger by his activities. If he stopped doing them back in Minnesota he might long for the island and be angry that he isn't there anymore. He hasn't completely lost his anger. He just put it into the back of his mind for a while. He might believe that his anger is gone, but I don't.

P.S. Longest post!

Elena said...

yes Laura, thats what im trying to say while the pond and ansector rock just help him day by day, the lessons of the dance will stay with Cole forever!

Stephanie said...

I agree with Laura, but he can also find other ways to get rid of his anger once he leaves besides the pool and the rock.

Esteice said...

So it's like Cole only changed because he did both dance and soak in the pond? Dont you guys think he would have changed if he did only one of the things ?

Laura said...

Wow Ally, i never thought of that. I think it did help him though. Something peaceful for Cole to do so he can just ignore the world for a few hours. Everyone needs that sometimes. An

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Elena! Do you think Cole would have been ready to learn without first being able to clear away his anger?

Elena said...

haha(: Thanks Andre!!!

Maddie said...

Clara, i do agree with you on everything you said. But do you think that the ancestor rock helped him at all?

Ally said...

yeah stephanie he didnt need the dances to think anything could of helped hime think

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Ally, I like your point about Cole finally having a chance to create, and not just destroy. He's probably never made anything with his own hands before, and certainly never taken the opportunity to create something beautiful.

Nick said...

I don't agree with ally. Would you just randomly think about what it would be like to be an eagle? Probably not.

Laura said...

Well I'm not saying in the future everytime he get's mad he won't calm down until He dances...not good. But he'll be able to do this once he's home when thing's get a tad out of hand. He could beat someone up or dance. < Dance wins.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Brittany and Eric, that not just one thing can change him, but all these things together. It kind of reminds me of the cake ingredients.

Ally said...

thanks MS. Sullivan

Eric j said...

what can really help him is time and a big distraction!

Victoria G said...

Even though I think that the dances and soaking in the pool were MOST important, I think the whole experience on the island is what made the change. If Cole hadnt gone to the island he probably would be the same delinquent he was before. Even though some things were more important in his change i dont think there was one thing that wasnt important or didnt help him change. The whole process is really what did it.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Laura, you bring up a good point, which we've covered before, about Cole not being able to soak when he gets home. Dancing does give him an outlet to express himself. He needs to make sure he still looks for those learning moments in his daily life that he can think about through his dancing, though.

Andre G <(") said...

Oh mrs. Sullivan has a good point. Maybe Cole wouldn't be able to learn anything without clearing his mind. What do you guys think?

Brittany(: said...

Nick, not to be weird, but I do sometimes. Like not an eagle, but like, have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have wings? Or fly?

rachel said...

I agree with CLara. I think that going in the pond and soaking is important because it did help him clear his mind.

Nick said...

I agree with eric

Elena said...

Well, Mrs Sullivan, the anwser to that question is yes. The first day with Edwin and Garvey on the island, he didnt enjoy the soak, and he still danced and that dance (the whale dance) taught him something.

Stephanie said...

Nick, it's not just thinking about the eagle, it's thinking about its importance, significance, and lesson.

Ally said...

laura there is no wild animals where he lives. what is he going to do dance about? the squirrel dance every night

Maddie(: said...

ELENA!? you know how you said that the pond was the most important thing. I completley aggre i listed more than one butb i agree with your comment that it was most definatly the thing that helped him the most.

Clara(: said...

Mrs. Sullivan:
The idea of becoming "invisible" is clearing your mind. Cole acheived that by going to the pond, soaking, and, well, clearing his mind of all things. It was important for Cole to do so because without becoming "invisible", he would've never seen spirit bear again.

Laura said...

Well Nick...you can wonder...and plus it's Cole. Who's bored and lonely on an island. he needs something to do! And if carving helps distract him and changes him a little bit, it's a win win situation(:

Macia said...

I change my mind. I think Eric is right. when you look at everything sepratly you see little changes in Cole. However, if you look at them all together you see one big change. That change actually helps Cole so much more than anyone of them could do alone. If he didn't soak in the pond he wouldn't carry the ancestor rock. This would in turn have him catigorize the animals as useless and he wouldn't dance. Then he wouldn't carve his totem pole. it all starts with one good choice to make a whole day a good day. :)

Nick said...

Yes I have Brittany. But would you think about what It would like to be every animal you saw?

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Peter, any thoughts about what else Peter might teach Cole?

Laura said...

i was actually thinking more of a cat dance but okay.

Esteice said...

I think he really changed. He may be distracted now but once he gets back to Minnesota it will be a chalenge for him to contain his anger.

rachel said...

I AGREE WITH VICTORIA SO MUCH! The whole island did change him. If he didnt go there and went to jail, he would have stayed the same.

eric j :) said...

stephanie! The cake is just like this!

Emily said...

I think that soaking in the pool and doing the nightly dances were the most significant to COle changing beacuse well he was in the soaking pool he was able to relax and be complewtely anger free. I think the saoking pool gave him a chance to see what life without or with controlled anger would be like and he loved that feeling so he brought it into everyday life. The nightly dances helped him learn about life by seeing it or feeling what the animal or thing was trying to teach him rather than Edwin or Garvey boring him with a lecture on life and choices. I think it helped him learn because he had to make up the dances himself which made it personal to what he pulled out from the experence and not what somebody else pulled out from the experience. Although the ancestor rock did help Cole change I really don't think that it helped him change as much as the soaking pool or the dances did.

Anonymous said...

Ally i agree with you completley.(:

Stephanie said...

Exactly Maica :)

Elena said...

haha Mrs Sullivan! Peter and Peter!!! TEXT TO SELF CONNECTION!

Clara(: said...

VICTORIA ROSE GREENBERG I agree with you. The whole island DID change him.

Ally said...

i like what stacey said

Brittany(: said...

That's the difference between Cole changing and Cole having a distraction. When you think about one animal or two, it's the same as Cole's "distraction" that everyone claims is there. When he thinks about everyone, he learns different lessons and thats when he changes.

Nick said...

I agree with Clara and Victoria

Ally said...

eric, the cake thing made no sense to me!!!!!

Ally said...

eric, the cake thing made no sense to me!!!!!

Victoria G said...

thanks for agreeing with me clara but was my middle name really necessary???

Laura said...

Cole doesn't need an animal to dance...he can dance whatever he wants, he burns toast, let him dance the toast dance. It can be about little things like that. Just because there's no animals doesn't mean he can't dance!

Maddie(: said...

Dose anyone think that the dances helped him the most?

Clara(: said...

Maddie, yes, I think the ancestor rock helped him think about his life from a different perspective, but I think the pond and dances just helped him the most!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Esteice said...

Thanks Ally :]

Elena said...

Clarebear, the animals and Cole are alike...The whale for example, neither the whale NOR cole has a home. During the wolf dance Cole realizes that he and the wolves both need the help of others!

Macia said...

VICTORIA and RACHEL I totally agree with you two!!! If he had gone to jail he wouldn't have tried to change himself. He wouldn't care that Peter tried to kill himself twice. He wouldn't have cared that his father had been beaten as a kid. He wouldn't have cared about anything and anyone!

rachel said...

I also think the stick helped him a little too. This showed him that he cant always look at the bad sides and that there are good things in life.

Emily said...

Eric, I think that the things he does in his daiily routine do not just distract him the help him realize that anger won't go away but that you have to look on the bright side of things and that is what Edwin was trying to say to him.

Clara(: said...

Yes Victoria, your middle name was necessary.

Elena said...

Laura! exellent point animals arent needed thriugh the burnt toast dance Cole would learn everythingg needs care, or i will fail/ burn(:

Maddie(: said...

Laura your right, like when he gets home he can dance any dance he wantes to(: say the......ink spilled on my shirt dance(: hahaaa

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Eric, so are you saying Cole hasn't really changed, if these strategies are just a distraction?

Stephanie said...

Laura, you have a point. (Everybody dance now)

Stacey said...

Maddie yes the dances were very important but i dont think he would have changed without clearing his mind first

Clara(: said...

Excellent point Ellsberry!

Eric j said...

Ally,Why did you post that twice :)
Second, I think I agree with you that it makes no sense. I don't know what I was thinking before.

Eric j said...

Ally,Why did you post that twice :)
Second, I think I agree with you that it makes no sense. I don't know what I was thinking before.

Eric j said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Macia, EXACTLY! so really Cole needed all of those things to change him not just one.

Ally said...

Laura what does cole have to learn from toast

Andre G said...

Maddie. I do! Have you not read any of my posts!? ):

Emily said...

I agree with Laura becaus ehe did do the anger dance which wasn't about an animal

Laura said...

Thank you, Maddie and Elena! He can dance to whatever makes him angry.

rachel said...

I agree with Elena. The dances did show him that he is just like some of the animals.

Victoria G said...

that last anonymous comment was me sorry!!! Not the cole is hot one but the on agreeing with macia!

Ally said...

Sorry eric i sisnt mean to post that 2 times

Macia said...

Thank you (person who won't post their name)=]

Eric j said...

No problemo!

Clara(: said...

Anonymous, Cole is a fictional character...But thanks for agreeing, Nick (:

Maddie(: said...

Stacey, i agree i think that him soaking was the most important thing for him to do.

Laura said...

Ally! It was an example! If he gets mad about burnt toast let him dance the toast dance! If he gets mad about a broken nail let him dance about that! Whatever he's mad about he can dance about!

EMily said...

Stacy I agree he cant learn from the dance unless he clears his mind

Andre G said...

Eric triple post for the win!
I agree with Stacey by the way. After what mrs Sullivan said I changed my mind a little (again). I don't think he would've learned so much if he hadn't cleared his mind first.

MAddie said...

Andre haha sorry, i havent seen any of your posts im going to go read one now!

Eric j said...

Yes and no Mrs. Sullivan.

Macia said...

Why thank you Victoria :] haha i didn't know it was yo. :]

Macia said...

Why thank you Victoria :] haha i didn't know it was yo. :]

Ally said...

but the dances are not supposed to be what hes mad about!

Brittany(: said...

Emily, which is why the combination of the ancestor rock and soaking and then dancing later that day is what changed him. Not one thing more than another.

Peter said...

When Peter went to the island I think that he really reminded me of Cole when he first wnent because Peter was not wanting to do anything that they were trying to teach him. He thought that it was all stupid and he didn't want anything to do with it. After awhile though, Peter learned to do some of the things that Cole learned. I don't like that he chopped up Cole's totem.I also wonder if Cole thought about the bear attack when Peter was beating him up.

Rachel said...

Emily, I agree with you! He does need to look at the bright side of things.

Laura said...

he. can. dance. to. whatever. his. heart. desires.

Nick said...

Double post Macia haha

Victoria G said...

Laura, the reason he can dance the animal dances is because they are real things with actual live, feelings, and movements. You cant really dance about something like burnt toast because there isnt much of a lesson to that!

Maddie said...

Andre, why do you think the dances are most importantt?!! because i think the pond was the most important.

eric j said...

Yes, Emily maybe you are right and he has changed.

Stacey said...

Yeah but Ally the dances represent what he larned from the animals and should take along with him for the rest of his life. That will make him a better person.

Elena said...

Andre, you change you mind a lot. Just and observation...(:

Ally said...

the. dances. are. not. supposed. to. be. what. hes. mad. about.

Clara(: said...

Laura I kind of agree, but his dances aren't about him being mad. He doesn't dance because he's angry. He dances to learn things about certain animals he's seen that day.

Andre G said...

It's okay "MAddie" you're still my friend. :)

Ally said...

thanks stacey!

Laura said...

Victoria,He can learn a lesson from dancing but it also is his way of dealing with anger. Forgiving and releasing his inside demons.

Macia said...

Your right he isn't supposed to be getting mad about the dances but he wouldn't be able to change without them. Cole needs them so he has something to start a change with!!

Stacey said...

Andre never knows what to think :]

Elena said...

Eric please put capital letter to begin your name, your a proper noun!

Peter said...

I wonder if Peter ever rolled the anccester rock into Cole when Cole was in the pond.

MAddie said...

Ally, i agree its just about things he needs to learn

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Ally, although I like Laura's point that Cole doesn't have to do an animal dance (he can learn from other moments in his life), why can't he do the squirrel dance? I think Edwin would say that we can learn from all animals - yes, even squirrels.

Clara(: said...


Victoria g said...

Laura, his dances are supposed to be about things that can treach him lessons... just like my last post said.

Ally said...

The dances are about what hes learned!

Andre G said...

Maddie, I explained that on my first post...

Emily said...

maddie i think the dances were really important but i also agree that the soaking helped make the dances work.

Elena said...

Wow Peter! I never thought of that!
thats a great thought!!

rachel said...

Peter! you made an excellent point. You are exactly right. When peter went to the island he was just like Cole and didn't listen, but now he is starting to do stuff that Cole had to do.

Maddie said...

ANdre, im going to spell your name like this from now on. and im glad were still friends(:

Stacey said...

Clara haha dont worry about it everyone spells it wrong thats why i never find anything. Thanks tho (:

Andre G said...

Clara I think you need to do the anger dance. Just saying.

Clara(: said...

Peter that's so true!

Ally said...

ms. sullivan he can do the squirrel dance, but what? is he going to do it every night WHEN HE RUNS OUT OF BURNT TOAST

Maddie said...

Emily i think that the soaking eas the most important also(:

Elena said...

I agree with Rachel who agrees with Peter! HAHAHAHA!! ANDREEE!!

"E"ric said...


Stacey said...

What will a squirrel teach ? Just wondering ........

Clara(: said...

Thanks, Andre, i'll consider it (: and haha just making sure Esteice, it would really tick me off if people spelled my name wrong!

Nick said...

I agree with maddie

Elena said...

thanks Eric!

Emily said...

Peter, i don't think that Peter has ever rolled the ancestor rock well Cole was in the water because I don't think Peter would take the time to do that.

Brittany(: said...

CLARA AND ANDRE: THE TWO OF YOU NEED TO CHANGE AND LEARN TO FORGIVE EACHOTHER FOR THE WRONG THAT HAS HAPPENED. This reminds me of the circle when the circle leader talks about how the community has hbeen hurt. (:

rachel said...

Victoria, I agree with you.

Laura said...

My last post failed -.- But really. He can dance to anything. Not just when there's a lesson to learn or whatever. It's his way of releasing anger. If he just dance to things that he happened to see on the island, why did he change so much?! tell me that! He's understanding the meaning of life. Yeah. I get it.

Maddie said...

Andre, sorry i didnt finish reading your comment. I will go and read it now, so i know what you were talking about.(:

Brittany(: said...

i meant maddie and andre. (:

Stacey said...

Can someone explain the "burnt toast" ? i dont get it

Clara(: said...

Brittany we weren't fighting..

Laura said...

You can also learn from toast! Toast Hater. pfft.

Brittany(: said...

clara, thats why i corrected myself. :D

Maddie said...

Me and Andre werent fighting?

Clara(: said...

OHH, I got confused.

Elena said...

Well Stacey, you see they were saying that when Cole gets off the island what will he dance about so Laura sugested he dance about burnt toast. Do you get it now?

Laura said...

Stacey it was an example ahaha and Ally is stuck on the part about the toast and doesn'ty REALIZE MY POINT.

Ally said...

stacey/esteice the burnt toast was something laura said that made no sense!

Clara(: said...

Esteice, they're using the burnt toast as an example to how Cole can learn from things other than animals. So instead of doing the whale dance, he could do the burnt toast dance, but I disagree with that.

Nick said...

It made perfect sense Ally

Andre G said...

We were just arguing. That's what you're supposed to do in a discussion (:

Laura said...

Elena...you get me :D

rachel said...

At first I thought that doing the anger dances was the most important, but now I think soaking in the pond is the most important. I think this because this is when he has time to clear his mind and start out fresh.

Anonymous said...

The toast is a substitute for animals

Nick said...

Exactly Clara!

Peter said...

I like how when Cole sees the animals, he doesn't look at how they affect his life or how they are in his way, but he sees the animal as how they are unique and diferent than others. I think this taught Cole to accept diferent people and to accept himself.

MAddie said...

I agree Andre.

Brittany(: said...

Maddie, It was an example of when andre put quotations around the word friend when he was referring to you. I wanted to use a real life example because someone *no names mentioned* didn't get what I was trying to say.

Emily said...

I just wanted to put this out there that i think it was totally unnecessary that Peter beat Cole and that he was pushing him and ruining his totem pole. Am I the only one that thinks that???

Macia said...

Maybe it could teach him that you need to be fast and speak your mind. I have squirrels all over my yard and they squeak a lot! So maybe the lesson is that he should be able to speak his mind truthfully.

Elena said...

I do my best Laura(:

Laura said...

Thanks Nick(: It's just an example, Allyson! One of the many dances he can dance!

Ally said...

Tell me how nick, since when did burnt toast become an animal you can learn from my dancing about it

ERIC J said...

Elena what do you think is important for Cole to do every day?

Andre G said...

I think a "toast" dance would be pretty weird. Besides when he gets off the island he won't need to do any dances anymore.

Nick said...

My cat has arguments with squirrels. Maybe they can teach him how to debate.

Emily said...

Rachel what made you change your mind about that?

Clara(: said...

Thanks, Nick (:

Stacey said...

First of all when Peter first got to the island he wouldnt talk to Cole then when they finally did Peter wanted to hurt Cole. I think Cole knows more about forgiveness than Peter. I dont think Peter is such a good person afterall because yeah Cole did do something terrible to him but he should give Cole a chance to show how he really changed. I disagree when Peter sayis that Cole doesnt care about him well if Cole didnt than he wouldnt have agreed to stay longer at the island to help Peter heal. And i think Cole got a taste of how bad he hurt Peter when he got mauled by the bear. He has a bad arm now!

Brittany(: said...

Emily, i completely agree. I can't blame him because he had all that anger built up inside, but he still shouldn't have done it.

Maddie said...

I see Brittany(:

Clara(: said...

Good point, Nick!

Elena said...

no you're (better Mrs. Sullivan?) not!! I understand Peters anger but he didn't give Cole a chance to show his change!

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Esteice, I think a squirrel can teach that you always need to plan ahead and be prepared. They're constantly running around getting themselves food to prepare for winter. You never know where a lesson may come from.

Victoria G said...

Guys i have a question: Won't Cole just get mad again when he returns back to minneapolis and he can't do the same rituals he has been doing on the island? that was the reason he changed, the island and its rituals so if he can't do them won't he just return angry???

Laura said...

I agree with Emily. But also on the Island, there was a change in Peter, too. Which makes sense as to what he did in the end.

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