Monday, April 25, 2011

Sevek - Moving Moment

What did you find to be the most moving or thought-provoking moment of Sevek and the Holocaust? What event stuck with you? Justify your answer with evidence from the text.


dante said...

What really struck me was when Sevek and his family went to Sulejow, that was located in Poland. After a little while bomds started to hit the town and Sevek froze, he was frozen in terror, right when Sevek thuoght all hope was lost his mother brouht him to the floor and prtected him his sister who was crying seemed in danger. The brave let poor Sevek instead of grabing him and taking him along she just left him, and Sevek was there on the wondering why she left, does she not love me. Thats what got my attension.

Savon said...

what really struck me was how some people was able to eat the skin off of the dead people.

tanairy said...

well for me the book was great. but the thing that shalked me the most was when sevek's sister
Fiona got shot after giving birth to a baby. The baby immidiately got thrown out of the window. I didnt know that the nazis did that it is so disturbing and dipresing to hear such a thing......HOW CAN THEY BE SO CRUEL?..

andres said...

what really struck me was how the people manage to survive in this kinds of conditions imean like... really, i really wouldnt like tobe in there possesion.

Shaston!!! :) said...

the most though provoking moment in the book was when Sevek had heard about what happened to his older pregnant sister that left the ghetto and was in a German hospital. Some how the rumor broke out that there was a Jew in the hospital using one of the rooms. German officers had found his sister and threw her baby out the WINDOW! and then they shot her. That one seen stayed in my head and it these cruel evil things that the Nazis had done and try hiding disturbs me so much.

Misty said...

There were a lot of things that struck me. But the thing that struck with me the most was when Sevek's sister Fiona just had her baby and then they came in and threw her new born baby out the window.HOW COULD YOU DO THAT DO A LITTLE HELPLESS INOCENT BABY!!!!! then right after they brought her to a cemetary and shot her!! how could they be so evil and cruel!!!

kristin said...

there was many parts in the book that srtuck with me but the one that struck me the most was when the police assighed seveks mother(Faiga) and his two sisters lola and frania which ones were going on the trains.then lola told the naziz that she worked as a house maid to a high nazzi official and she spotted him and he said that he could save her and her sister but not her mother, but frania would not let her mother go alone so she decided to go with her mother. this part in the book was very sad for me because it showed how families were seperated very quickly and the naziz did'nt care at all. also it shows how many decisoins you had to make but you still didn't know what was the right deciosion to make.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Kristin, you're right about individuals having to make decisions and not knowing what was the right one. That brings back the idea of "choiceless choices" that we talked about early on in the unit.

Unknown said...

What really strucked me was that how could people ever treat each other the way they did to sevek. And how could they eat each other skin.

George said...

What really struck me is when Sevek saw his dad for the first time before being seperated. His dad gave him a piece of bread from his knapsack before being sent to another work camp. After he left, Sevek said,"old people had no right to live they were taking resources from the young". He thought to himself that he was thinking like the Nazi's.

Rinat said...

The most thought provoking moment that really struck me was when Ronia when she was pregnant had her baby thrown out the window, and Ronia after having her baby was taken to the Jewish cemetery to be shot.

William said...

I really liked the book. But the thing that really struck me was how the people were so unbalievably hungry that they ate dead peoples skin.

This is All3n said...
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Drew said...

the part that stuck with me through Sevek was when his siter Ronia had her baby. after it was born the natzis through the infint out the window and took Ronia to a jewish sumitary and shot her. this stuck with me because it was so disturbing and vicous. also it showed how ruthless the natzis could be, but the sad part is they did thing much worse.

Jose Cruz said...

what struck me the most was when sevek sister was going to have a baby. Once the nazis found out they threw the baby out the window . It stuck with me because that is a harsh thing to do to someone.