Sunday, October 17, 2010

Touching Spirit Bear - F Block

Throughout the story, Cole has made many bad decisions leading up to and during his banishment on the island. What do you think is Cole's greatest character flaw; a fault in his personality which has led him to make these decisions? Is he finding a way to overcome this flaw in the chapters we have read so far (ch. 18)? Justify your response with evidence from the text. Use proper spelling and grammar, please.


edward said...

i think coles flaw is that he hold up anger till it builts up so much that he has to take it out on someone.what he is trying to do is to not let it out in such a violent way, like when edwin pushed him, he could of got up and hit him, yet he did not.

eric said...

coles biggest problem is not being able to control his anger. He is constantly causing trouble for no good reason

Nick said...

Coles biggest flaw is that he can't let his anger out. He holds inside him until he explodes.

Victoria G. said...

I think cole does have an anger problem but not so much any more as he used to. And he didnt let it build he just got angry at the moment it was angering him. If he justs thinks things through rather than react he can work to fix this. It is a very scary trait! I do not want to be near that dude when he explodes!

eric said...

Yeah exactly Nick. I think that he wouldn't even be in this situation is he could control his actions!

Esteice said...

I think as he grew up he's anger only built up he never got a chance to put it out in a good way. Maybe if he had more support from his family he wouldnt have grown up such a violent person. I agree with edward said, Cole did have a chance to be angry and hit edwin but he is really changing and he decided to not do that

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Eric and Nick, do you think he's been able to help himself and redirect his anger since returning to the island? Why do you think that's his biggest flaw, as opposed to any of his others? He has quite a few to choose from.

Elena(: said...

Well...I believe Coles biggest character flaw is that he cant blame himself for anything, he always find a way to blame others for his actions. Up to chapter 18 Cole still hasnt over come this flaw, although he has over come alots, blaming others is still a problem for Cole.

Anonymous said...

I think Cole's greatest character flaw is that he really can't blame himself for anything, it's always someone else's fault. For example, he never blamed himself for beating up Peter, it was Peter's fault for telling on him.

Laura said...

Cole has some obvious anger management issues and knows how to fool people to show he's changed. he enjoys other's pain. When he beat Peter up he laughed and spit on him. If that doesn't scream "I need help" I don't know what does. However, after the spirit bear pretty much did the same thing to him, something changed in Cole that day. he decided he wanted to change. His biggest flaw is that he feels inferior to others. A little bit of inferior in a person is good, but not that much. That's all Cole is. Inferior.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Victoria, why do you think his anger isn't such a problem anymore? Do you have some evidence?

Maddie said...

I think that Coles greatest charachter flaw is that he always wants to blame someone else for his faults. When he went on the island for the first time he let his anger contorol his mind and body. He needs to start taking care of himself and start controling his anger.

Anonymous said...

Elena, I agree with you. He still hasn't gotten over his flaw, but I feel like he's going to later on in the book with help from the island.

Ally said...

I think cole's greatest character flaw is that he is arrogant and doesnt want anybody yo tell him what to do. If anybody does anything bad to him he can never let it go but he acts like its no big deal when he hurts others. He thinks he's amazing and he never does anything wrong but the whole world hates him for no reason.

Andre said...

I think Cole's greatest character flaw is that he thinks he's always superior. He thinks he is always in control. Like for example when the Spirit Bear attacked him, he saw a caterpillar crawling on the branch then he killed it. So basically even after he had been owned by the bear and was lying helpless on the ground he still thought he was superior and killed the poor caterpillar.

Brittany (: said...

I think Cole's greatest character flaw is his thoughtlessness. He never thinks things through and always does them without thinking about the conseqences. This constantly leads him to get hurt or into trouble with other creatures or people. Cole typically has uncontrollable anger, but I don't think that this trait overpowers his empty head. He does things by instinct, which would be good if he had the instincs of an animal. Rather, he has the instinct to kill everything that gets in his way of reaching his goal: absolute control and power.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Laura, I'm interested to know why you think Cole feels inferior. Do you have an example?

Maddie said...

Elena, I completelt agree with your comment, I also think that Cole has big issues not blaming other people, if you read my comment ours say almost the same thing(:

Laura said...

Elena I agree with what you said. He's come halfway over his flaw as i've seen it. however it's going to be hard for him to change after all he's been through. his dad doesn't give him a great example when it comes to that. I think everyone just needs to be patient with Cole. he will change...eventually.

Nick said...

I don't think he can redirect his anger, only let it out as it comes to him.

Rachel said...

Cole's flaw is that he can't control his anger and has to let it out in a bad way. since his dad beat him, he didnt know any better. I think he is over coming it because dancing the animal dance is helping him. I also think that the breaking the stick will help him too.

Stephanie said...

I think Cole's greatest character flaw is his fail at control. He has trouble controlling everything and doesn't try to take control of his life and just lets his anger control it for him. When he burned the shelter/supplies, he let his anger and hate control his hand to light the match. If he had taken control, he could have thought everything out, and put his anger towards something else. Also, when he attacked Peter, his anger controlled him, and he attacked Peter. Cole had a reason and his anger toke that opportunity.

Elena(: said...

thanks anonomous! p.s. you probably shouldnt be anonomus! (Clara) im ALMOST 100% positive he will, beacuase i have yet to read a book that doesnt have a unhappy ending! authors ar so predictable...

Maddie(: said...

Alright andre, why do you think that Cole thinks that he is so supierior???????

Clara said...

No problem, and yeah it didn't come up for some reason, I think it's because of the <3 at the end, but whatever. Anywho, yes I do think he's going to change, and pft, nothing can get past our keen eyes! (:

Andre said...

I agree with Maddie and Brittany, one of Cole's biggest issues is not taking reponsability for his own actions.

Laura said...

Ms. Sulliavan, Cole thinks he is better than everyone else. he thinks he can outsmart the circle. he described how he was fooling everyone. It was all just an act. So when they sent him to the island the first time it was a mistake. he attacked the bear and look where it got him. Now this time he's changed and people have trouble believing him.

Elena said...

well Maddie great mind think alike!

Stephanie said...

I agree with you Laura, but people have tried to be patient with him, and he didn't really change. He just thinks all the people that try to help him are idiots. It only takes a life/death situation to change some people.....

Brittany(: said...

I'm glad you agree, Andre. It's kind of frustrating to read the book and know that there is a right decision and Cole rarely makes it.

Victoria G. said...

I still think Coles anger is a problem but now that he really does want to change it is getting better. Like when Edwin wakes him up early to go for that freezing dip in the pond, he can refuse and scream go nutso like he used to but now he is giving things a chance more and not trying to find a reason to get mad.

Rachel said...

Elena, I agree with you. Everytime cole does something wrong, he is finding a way to blame others.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Brittany, has Cole shown any sign of changing and becoming a more thoughtful person? What do you think it will take for him to do so?

Elena!! said...

Laura you make an exellent point! Cole feels like life is a game, a game he believes he is alweays wining!

Esteice said...

I agree with Elena because Cole is always blaming other people. He should be able to be responsible for his actions more often. Also as Andre said, he felt superior than the caterpillar so he killed it. It really wasn't necessary

Victoria G. said...

I also think Cole always just tries to find a problem in everything. He needs to try to be more on the optimistic side and do things without a groan or a complaint.

Nick said...

People that are worth helping shouldn't have to be attacked by a bear to change.

Nick said...
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Emily said...

Cole's greatest character flaw is that he can not control the anger with in himself and when he can't do that he just lets it out in an unhealthy and harmful way. I think he is finding a way to overcome this and he has been trying to not get angry as much. In the chapters when he was struggling to stay alive I think he found himself and decided that HE needed to take conrol of his actions and that his anger shouldn't take conrtol of his actions.

ally said...

laura, i dont think he changed that day it was like what edwin said cole didnt change his attitude changed but he still needs tons of help

Clara said...

Stephanie, I agree, but do you also think his anger could have made him lose control? So it wasn't really his control issues, just his anger?

Brittany(: said...

Mrs. Sullivan, I think Cole has begun to change ever since he was mauled by the bear. The near death experience has shown Cole that there is much more to life than being in control and that the earth has much more to offer than just pain and suffering. Just because thats the only thing Cole knows doesn't mean that there is nothing else to discover.

Laura said...

Well Stephanie, that life or death situation DID change Cole! he chose life..and Andre, Brittany, and Maddie I agree with you, but when he got attacked by the Spirit Bear, he admitted it was his fault..

Nick said...

Double post.My bad

Andre said...

Yes, Esteice. It really wasn't necessary to kill the caterpillar but i think he did because at the time it made him feel better. Right? Why do you guys think he did it?

Esteice said...

Nick said it all.

Eric said...

It took cole about a dozen mistakes and being attacked by a bear just to have a change of heart about this situation. He finally is learning that not everything is afraid of him and that life shouldn't be taken for granted. He has made the biggest mistake of his life attacking that bear, and the damage is irreparible. He doesn't even deserve another chance! He has been given so many and done nothing with them. All he does is hurt people, he beat Peter and tried to kill a giant bear with a stick. He also burned down his first hut that Edwin had worked so hard on building.
On the other hand, all of his anger can be traced back to him being beaten by his dad.He says that he has never known a home. All that he has is a house. Nobody ever cared about him, or even showed it if they did. In this way, Cole is not so bad.He is just lonely and misunderstood.

Nick said...

I agree with eric.

Stephanie said...

Excellent point Laura, I agree with you.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Stephanie, I think your comment about Cole being unable to control himself is insteresting, because he always believes himself to be in control. His idea of control and power is just very different from the rest of the world.

Clara said...

Victoria, I agree with you. Cole is rather pessimistic..

Laura said...

Nick, when it comes to Cole...apparently it does. his father beat him with a belt. So badly that he couldn't feel it sometimes. he's a little unopen to change because he always feels like he has to defend himself.

Emily said...

Andre, I agree with you saying that he thinks he is always superior. I also don't understand why he killed that caterpillar after the bear almost did that to him.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Victoria G. His anger can be controlled, but only if he takes control of it.

Rachel said...

Esteice, I agree with you. Cole really doesn't have that support from his family that most people do. When he does bad things, I think is becasue of that.

Esteice said...

Andre in the text it sayis that he killed it because the caterpillar had no right to be crawiling near him. He thinks it's all about him all the time

Elena said...

this whole class agrees Coles problem is with his anger, instead of the island why isnt Cole in therapy?

Nick said...

I agree with all of you.Great points.

Victoria G. said...

Clara, Cole is VERY pessimistic! sheesh, its like everyday he purposely wakes up on the wrong side of the bed!

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Laura, so do you mean that Cole thinks he's superior, and everyone else is inferior?

Brittany(: said...

Since the beginning of the book, Garvey has said that if Cole wants to change, he has to try and show it. The same holds true throughout the ENTIRE book.

Maddie(: said...

Does anyone else except me that Cole is changing in good ways. I feel that he is making a big acomplishment, by finally realizing that he needs to start knowing he cant always be right. Elena said that he was not changing in the senese that he has a tendency to still balme other people, however i think that yes i do agree with you Elena , but i mean he has actulyl been changing a little. Does anyone else agree with me?

Nick said...

Cole tried therapy,elena.Like 14 times.

Laura said...

if your father beat you with a belt everyday and your mom didn.t do anything about it, would you guys be all fine and happy? I'm not defending Cole, but i think 90% of the reason he is this way is because of his father.

Clara said...

Eric, I totally agree! Cole is just lonely and misunderstood, I almost feel like he's just a delinquent and whatnot for the attention he never got growing up.

Elena said...

Oh, thanks nick! i thought he just tried jail, and anger management!

Victoria G. said...

I do partly agree with you Maddie. Cole is starting to change his anger but still holds on to his attittude.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Brittany, I agree that watching Cole continuously make the same mistake is frustrating. Is that frustration getting in your way of enjoying the book? Is he too irritating to read about?

Eric said...

Cole has never really learned to be nice, all that he know is being hurt.

Nick said...

Victoria, you can't suddenly decide not to be angry. you have to learn how, which cole hasn't.

Rachel said...

Emily, You make a good point. When he decided to live he needed to control himself or most likely he would have died.

Emily said...

Elena, I don't know if you do but i find it really annoying that Cole still hasn't gotten over that flaw and up to chapter 18 he is still blaming Edwin and Gravey for basically trying to help him.

Andre said...

Esteice i think we have the same point :)

Laura said...

Ms. Sulliavan that's exactly what i meant! Superior. Please excuse my grammatical mistake.

Nick said...

I agree with eric.

Esteice said...

Andre we really do

ally said...

emily, i think cole killed the caterpiller when the spirit bear just almost killed him because he was still trying to show that he was superior

Laura said...

Cole needs a friend.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Ally, that other Cole thinks other people contribute to his anger and hate, but I don't think he thinks he's amazing since after the attack, he tries to make ammends for his mistakes.

Clara said...

Victoria, I KNOW! But I feel like now he's starting to change for the better, or he will start to change. I also think being alone on the island with time to think about everything that has been going on will help him get his life back on track.

Rachel said...

Elena, maybe its because this is kind of way for theropy. Going to the island was suppose to help him to get better.

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Nick, your comment opens the door to a whole new debate. Who gets to decide who is worth helping or not? You're right that it shouldn't take such an extreme event to create change, but some of us are slow learners!

Elena said...

Emily i agree 100% Cole is still blaming people for helping!!!

Stephanie said...

But Laura, Cole has a few friends, like Edwin and Garvey.

Maddie(: said...

Rachel,Do you think that Cole will ever change from being a bad tough mean kid?

Victoria G. said...

Nick, you can decide if you want to be angry or not. If he would just look at things better than he can fix that. and i wasnt talking about an instant snap your fingers kinda thing. He has to make the desicion to stop being ngry then work from there.

Laura said...

Stephanie...Edwin and Garvey are minimum 20 years older than him. And he didn't even know them before it happened.

Andre said...

I agree with Nick. Not being angry anymore takes a lot more than just a quick decision. It takes time to learn how to control it and accept things the way they are.

Rachel said...

Laura, Yes! cole does need a friend. He needs someone to be there for him. Right now he has no one.

Eric said...

Cole finally decided not to lie. Great! However, he is like the boy who cried wolf so even when he wants to tell the truth, nobody believes him.

Stephanie said...

Yes, but no else is going to except him since they think of him as a big meanie(unless he meets new people).

Clara said...

Laura, 100% agreed. He needs someone to talk to and who can understand him and get where he's coming from and what he's going through. Or at least someone who can be by his side no matter what. But, in a way, I feel like he doesn't deserve a friend, because I feel like he'd treat them badly.

Maddie(: said...

Emily, you said that he still is blaming Edwin and Garvey for things, but do you think he has changes the slightest bit?

Elena said...

Laura you make a SUPER FANTASTIC POINT!! for his whole life cole has had no one to turn to! No sibling, no friend, no parent!

Andre said...

Hey Laura. You said Cole needs a friend, don't you think he already has friends like Garvey and Edwin? He just doesn't want to believe it

Nick said...

I think If cole had at least tried in the past the he should get another chance, but he hasn't. Everyone gave up on him just like he gave up on everyone.

Brittany(: said...

Mrs. Sullivan, at some times it is very irritating to watch Cole make the same mistake over and over and watch him hurt innocent people again and again. But Ben Mikaelson does a really good job about making sure that the reader gets ticked, but not ticked so much that they put it down. Once you see a little change in Cole, you want to read and see if he carries it with him back to the real world where everything is a lot harder. At one point, I had to put the book down and try to create my own ending to the chapter, hoping that Cole would make the right decision because he definately has a history of choosing the worng path.
Eric, i totally agree with you! He has had so many opportunitioes to change and has threw them away and conned peoplke into thinking he has. But when his anger suddenly takes over, people realize they have been fooled and loose a lot of trust in Cole.

Laura said...

Cole has no one but the people associated with the law. If Cole had ONE friend, one person that he could lean on. he might not be in this situation.

Ally said...

i agree with eric when he said that all cole has ever known is being mean. Even though he did make tons of terrible mistakes he never knew any better

Rachel said...

Maddie, I do think that cole will change because it sounds like he wants to change, so I do think that he will follow through.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Eric, but it's also that no one wants to believe him since they don't want to get "played" with again.

Emily said...

Maddie I do agree with you I definatly think that Cole has made progress and has changed and will keep changing but i think he still needs to work on some of his flaws.

Anonymous said...

Elenea and Laura i completley agree that COle when he was growing up he had nowhere to turn

Clara said...

I agree with Andre agreeing with Nick, if that makes sense.

Victoria G. said...

I agree with both Clara and Laura. He does need a friend and probably someone the same age. I think he should get a friend who he can relate to so they will understand his thinking. Edwin and Garvey are to old and thats just weird if they were like his best friends. He needs a kid to talk to.

Esteice said...

Mrs.Sullivan Nick has a great point because if a person really wants to change they dont even need to be on a island. He could also have gone to jail with a good attitude. I dont think Cole will change very much anyway.

Elena said...

ATTENTION BLOGGERS: Laura is right! Do you think Coles life would be different he he had a friend?

Ally said...

laura, Garvey tried to be nice to cole and his friend but cole didnt trust him because Garvey didnt fear him.

Nick said...

I agree with ally and eric.If you don't know what it's like to be nice, you're always going to be mean.

Peter said...

I wonder if it was better fo Cole to get hurt by spirit bear of if it would be better for him if he kept his arm, maybe stayed on the island, and just slowly changed. When you make quick changes, they usually go back quickely.

Maddie(: said...

Yea, I do too, but i feel really bad for Cole at points because im sure that it is very hard to change from being a horribly mean person. Dont you?

Stephanie said...

But people have probably tried to be friends with him, and he always pushes them away, or else he would probably have a few friends.

Nick said...

I think Cole has friends, he just doesn't want to believe it.

Eric said...

Good point Stephanie. Do you think that Cole should even bother changing. If so, how can he earn back the peoples trust!

Esteice said...

Laura, Cole doesnt have any friends because he thinks hes better than everyone else right ?

Laura said...

Edwin and Garvey are simply there because they have to be. He has no one his age to relate too and he didn't know them before he beat up Peter. He thinks he does everything wrong because his father beats him, but on the outside he acts like he's right. I thnik just one friend could do alot for him. If you didn't have any friends, none of us would be happy or have gotten through tough situations without our friends. if no one stepped in to help cole before it was too late. just look what happened.

Rachel said...

Maddie, I agree with you. I think he is changing. He is starting to not just think about himself.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Maddie, that anyone can change, but only if they want to, and that it just takes time.

Maddie(: said...

ELENA! I completely think that if Cole had a friend that he would have been diffrent. Cole would have had someone top turn to if he had a friend but he had come off so rough infront of everyone that he had none. So maybe if he had opne his whole life would change(:

Emily said...

Eric! I think you made a great5 point saying that its great he decided not to lie but that peoople won't believe him. Do you think that once Cole comes back from his second time being on the islad that people will really start believing what he says?

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Maddie, what is an example of him changing?

Nick said...

If he hadn't been attacked by the bear he wouldn't have been on the island a second time, and only the second time he was there did he learn how to change. So if hadn't gotten attacked by the bear he never would have changed at all.

Clara said...

Victoria, I agree. Edwin and Garvey make fine friends, but it's not like they could all be best friends. Whoa, what if Peter and Cole end up being best friends!? How NUTS would that be!?

Laura said...

EDWIN AND GARVEY DID NOT KNOW COLE BEFORE THE INCIDENT. He needed a friend. Now it's too late. And Nick, he doesn't even know what nice is because no one was ever nice to him until edwin and Garvey came along.

Anonymous said...

I think Cole had been offered friendships and maybe just didnt trust the person?

Maddie(: said...

Yes, with the Past that Cole has had it goes to show you that he is making major improovement from when he first went on the island.

Andre said...

Cole thinks trusting someone means being afraid of them that's why he doesn't trust anyone, because he's not afraid of anyone. That's also why he does not trust Garvey, because Garvey is clearly not afraid of him.

ally said...

laura, i wouldnt want cole to relate to another kid because that would mean there would be two kids like cole and i think they would either gang up on other kids or gang up on each other and that wouold be baddd

Stephanie said...

Exactly Eric!

Rachel said...

Stephanie makes a great point! He probably does push people away. I never thought of it that way, but it make sence. But i stil feel that he needs a friend. Maybe a friend could help him control his actions.

Eric said...

well Emily
I really can't say for sure but I do know that it isn't going to be easy for him to change and get trust considering what he has done. The odds are against him.

Elena said...

Rachel, Do you think that Cole is ever going to change, and stay Changed?

Mrs. Sullivan said...

I wouldn't entirely agree that Cole is misunderstand; that implies that his actions aren't the problem, it's the way other people see him that creates the problem. Yes, he has factors that contribute to his poor choices, but at the end of the day these are still His choices.

Peter said...

I wonder if Cole will get attacked again, get killed, or just run away if he sees the spirt bear.

Nick said...

Laura, I'm not saying he should know what nice is. I agree that noone had eve been nice to him.

Andre said...

Guys let's get to 200 comments! We can do it!

Clara said...

Ally I kind of agree with you actually, but in a way I think it would be nice for Cole to have a friend, you know?

Elena said...


Laura said...

Clara, I think if Peter forgave him it would open a whole new door for Cole. Edwin always teaches about forgiveness. forgive, forgive, forgive. if they tuaght Peter some of that, it could change Cole even more. All cole knows about is apologies. And most of the time he's the one giving them.

Maddie(: said...

Mrs. Sullivan. I think that the way that Cole could change is that he wouldent be so rough and want people to be sacared of him all the time. Maybe if he had someone to turn to about his parents beating him and all his inner issues he wouldent be so mean to other people and he would find a way to channel his anger.

Ally said...

i agree with eric again, cole has had so many chances to change, how can he gain anybodys respect when people beleived him and all he did was lie

Stephanie said...

I agree with Eric. Sometimes, it takes YEARS to build trust again, or it just doesn't happen at all.

Victoria G. said...

Clara, nah Peter would never be friends with Cole. I mean if i just came up and attacked you smashing your head in the street would you come up after to me and be like hey lets hang out on saturday. Well unless he has like the biggest heart in the world there could be apossibility on that concept. It would be nice but i dont think Peter is that kinda friend Cole needs. He needs someone who can relate to him.

Clara said...

Great motivation Andre!

eric said...

Good point Mrs. Sullivan:)

Emily said...

Peter I think that in my opinion the memory of being mauled by the Spirit Bear will always be with him and I think that will help him stay good. I also think that being mauled by the Spirit Bear was the only way for him to really change its sad but true.

Rachel said...

Laura is right! No one was ever nice to him. How was he suppose to treat someone well if he didnt know what nice meant?

Andre said...

Me too Peter! I was wondering the same thing. But i think this time he will run away.

Elena said...


ALLy said...

elena, well ben mikaelson is toooo close to buffy HIS WHOLE WEBSITE IS ABOUT THE BEAR!!!!!!

Nick said...

I completly agree with emily.

Maddie(: said...

Come on we can most definatly hit 200 comments if we try keep going people!!!!!!

Laura said...

Elena your comment humors me!!! "Cole, what was your inspiration for becoming friends with a bear?" "Ben Mikaelson!" but anyways... and Ally i'm saying the friend could change Cole. Not the other way around!

Eric said...

Andre, Who needs 200 lets get to 2000 comments!!!!!!!!!! By the way what do you guys think about Coles decisions since he has gotten back to the island

Elena said...

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! go sleep with the Angels!

Clara said...

Laura, I agree. I think it would be just dandy if they became friends though. That would be like such an epic ending. I swear if that happens i'll feel like such a boss.

Laura said...

Shun the non believer...Andre.

Andre said...

Stephanie, it's like what Mr. Fazio always says, It takes a really long time to build trust but only a word to ruin it. :)

Rachel said...

Elena, I do think he will change and stay that way. He really seems like he wants to change.

Stephanie said...

But Ms.Sullivan, alot of choices are influenced by other people's actions towards eachother.

Brittany(: said...

I think the island is a very positive experience even though it had negative consequences. It made the rest of Cole's changing easier.

Emily said...

Do you guys think that Cole will change when he comes off the island this time?

Victoria G. said...

I think when Cole is off the island he should get dog. That will teach him responsiblity and t be the perfect friend!

Andre said...

Yes Eric! 2000 comments. Just like Marco's picture on facebook!

Maddie(: said...

ELENA: I hope when you go up to heven you will get to meet Buffy the Bear and say GO SLEEP WITH THE ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

Maddie(: said...

ELENA: I hope when you go up to heven you will get to meet Buffy the Bear and say GO SLEEP WITH THE ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

Laura said...

Clara, yes it would! It would teach both of them about forgiveness. because Peter has none of that, hence "I think someone should bash Cole's face into the pavement so he can see how it feels."

Esteice said...

Best firends with a bear? Nah i dont think so :)

Eric said...

This has been a very productive work period!

Elena said...


Nick said...

I agree with eric

Clara said...

All in all, I still think Cole's biggest flaw is that he blames everyone else but himself.

Emily said...

Victoria i think the dog idea is a really good idea and he would learn so much from that :)

Stephanie said...

Exactly Andre :)

Andre said...

I think this is pretty fun. I liked the circle in class but this is wayyyy more fun! Like this if you agree!

Rachel said...

Over all I think Cole will change in a positive way.

Peter said...

I don't think that Cole will spend the whole year on the island. Maybe he'll run away or maybe they'll take him off for good behavior.

Eric said...

Again Nick! :)

Ally said...

i was really surprised at how poeople gave cole a second chance at the island he didnt deserve it after all he had done

Brittany(: said...

And also, i think that Ben Mikaelson having a pet bear was good for him so that even when he didnt have a friend, ben could always have Buffy. WHO DIED! :d

Laura said...

...lets not bring Buffy into it?

Elena said...

well thats my prediction so if he and the spirit bear become BFFS I CALLED IT!

Clara said...

Laura I agree! They both need to learn forgiveness! I understand why Peter was uber mad and all, but still, that was a tad drastic.

Laura said...

yes. I thnik a lot would be fixed if Peter learned forgiveness. Something Cole has almost never seen.

Elena said...

andre...we cant like yor comment, however I TOTALLY agree!! and i just reread this WOW OUR CLASS IS FUNNY! and clara...if you see my first comment, i totally agree Cole may have anger and yes that is a HUGE problem but its the fact that he cant accept his own fault that makes him the JERKHEAD that he is!

Victoria G. said...

I honestly dont think Peter has to forgive Cole for what he did... atleast not yet. Peter is disabled because of Cole SO I think it is fine if he doesnt forgive him. Cole on the other hand needs to learn forgiveness. He needs to forgive his Dad if he wants to ever change.

Ally said...

victoria, why do you think cole needs to forgive his dad? because of cole getting beat by his dad he was kinda psycologicaly messed up

Victoria G. said...

Ally, he needs to forgive his dad because yeah his dad beat him but he didnt do it to be mean he just did it because thats how he was raised and he didnt know better (i think thats what the book said). Now Cole uses violence to deal with his problems (or atleast he did) and if he wants people to forgive him its basically the same situtaion so i think the first step is to forgive his dad.

Macia said...

Listen your all right! Cole does have anger issues but he also has problems from what's happened to him in the past. So he has trust issuses, athourity issuses, and yes anger issuses too. Those are his biggest personality flaws. All of this has had an impact on his choices now. He wants to show people that he is stronger than they think, but he just ends up hurting himself. He wants to show
people that he doesn't need their help, when he eventually asks for it. He wants people to feel infireor to him because he was never treated like how he wanted, as another human being, not a punching bag! He wants to be respected but he doesn't understad respect goes both ways. So now he wants to change, he wants to have the respect he wanted all along. So he has to start from scratch. Even though he thinks some of the tasks he is oredered to do seems pointless he preforms them to the best of his abality. He has to, so he can get respect,and trust. Now he wants to be stronger, and bolder, and also he wants to repent. His way to change is by doing what he is told, not lying and trying his very best to control his anger so he can get a better life. That's what i think... Just my opion

rachel said...

I agree with victoria. Forgiveness is one of the most important things in life. It might just take a while for him to forgive his dad though becasue he did beat him.

Macia said...

Victoria and Rachel- How do you forgive someone who has been so cruel to you? Everyone talks about how you need to forgive and forget, but it's harder than that. You get scared, you feel yourself backing out. You could an extremly brave person but still be scared to confront your past. So yes they both need to show forgivness but put yourself in Peter's shoes. Wouldn't you be scared if the kid who gave you brain damage came up to you again saying "I'm sorry." Put yourself in Cole's shoes. Wouldn't you be scared if the man who beat you since you were a child came up to you and said "I'm sorry." People say that forgiving is key. It is, but taking time thinking about the past so that you're sure you're ready to forgive doesn't hurt. You have to think about it like you would if something like this happened to you. Just saying the words isn't enough. Believing them, and truley saying them to you and the person is what they need to do. So yes Cole, needs to forgive his father, and Peter needs to forgive Cole. But even years later they may not be able to. They need confidence so they can truely forgive them.
Just saying my opinion...

Ally said...

victoria,weve infered that coles dads dad (coles grandpa) beat his dad so does that mean that coles dad needs to forgive his dad. we know where coles anger comes from but we dont kow where his dads comes from, mabey his dad has no reason to be angry he was just tired of cole and if thats the case i dont think he should be forgiven

Macia said...

Ally- How does he forgive? Like I said before wouldn't it be hard if someone did that to you? It would take time... A long time. No matter how easy it is to say the words, it's so much harder to mean them. You understand?

Victoria G. said...

Ally, well my main point was that if Cole wants to be forgiven HE has to learn to forgive too. I dont think his dad really wants to hurt him so thats why i chose his dad as an example and a perfect person for Cole to start learning how to forgive.

andres said...

cole needs to forgive in order to change.