Friday, September 3, 2010

Summer Reading

Hey Everyone! Take a minute and tell me what you've been reading this summer, not just for school, but for your own pleasure, too. What do you think of the books you've read?


Tatiana said...

i have read a little bit of the book i believe its called julio and i forgot the girls name but its a remake of romeo and juliet.

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Brittany said...

I read the books Savvy by Ingrid Law and Chasing Lincoln's Killer by James L. Swanson. They were two great books. They had a good plot, but what i found interesting is how much a fiction book and a non- fiction book can have in common, while not sharing the same topic, idea or characters. I think both books were easy to understand and the plot was easy to follow and wasn't too complex, but at the same time was interesting. I found Chasing Lincoln's Killer to be more intriguing to me because I find non- fiction books more interesting and appealing. I would recommend this book to anyone on Blue Team because both were filled with adventure and thrill.

YGOR said...

This summer i was reading a book called "The Lightning Thief" the reason why I'm reading this book is because in 7th grade last year we went to the movies and we watched the movie and i kind of liked it...
That's why i chose to read that book.

Emily said...

I have read so many books but over the summer I read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I think that the part of the story that the author chose to write about wasn't as exciting to me as what would have happened after that. For example when he had therapy and when he got sick. I also read Animal Farm by George Orwell and i thought that the concept of the book was very interesting. I didn't understand why the animals on the farm did not see what was going on once Napoleon took over. I also read the Gossip Girl serious and I thought that those books were very good especially if you like drama and gossip. I think the story line of that series makes you want to keep reading it book after book after book.

Maddie said...

I am going to be honest with you Mrs.Sullivan. i really do not enjoy reading for fun. I do my assignments, when i have to read. However, i do not like to just sit around and crack open a nice big book and be engrossed in it. There is one summer reading book that I enjoyed though, I read Pretty Little Liars, by Sara Shepard. I really did like this book, even though i don't like reading. It was a very confusing book i have to say, but it was very interesting.

shaston said...

Okay Ms. Sullivan i don' like to read for fun so I really didn't read any book besides That Was Then This is Now by S.E Hinton for my summer reading. This book was a must read to me and this is one of the few great books that I've read.

Savon said...

I've read the books Monster by Walter Dean Myers and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games to me was an outstanding book because it had intense graphics on how the future world looked like and how everyone had to survived. I would recommend it to a lot of teens. Next is the book monster. i did not really enjoy this book as much because it had really good descriptions but at times what he was talking about it really disgusted me,like if you was to read the first pg. (the real beginning of the book, not the introduction) it would disgust anyone, but i still recommend it to teens (that can be mature enough to handle it) if you like murder books.

Hayley said...

I read many books this summer. My favorite book that I read was actually from the summer reading list. It was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I absolutely loved it. The story line and plot were fantastic and the characters were really developed. I thought the book was also very well written. Another book I read over the summer was called Raven Rise. It is the ninth book in the Pendragon series by D.J. MacHale. I loved this book and also love this entire series! The plot is complex but not too hard to follow and comes together so amazingly in this last book. The characters are also so fun to read about and make the book funny with many things they say. I loved both of these books and would definitely recommend them.

Lizmary said...

I have been reading a book called That Was Then, This Is Now by S.E. Hinton. It is a very interesting book to read it was super fun and i read it in one day. It was a real page turner and i really would recomend it to people that like family situations, well reading about it.

Rinat said...

This summer I read two books. Only one of them was on the summer reading list, it was called Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy. The other one was not on the list, it was The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, Eight Grade Bites. Even with weeks of summer ahead of me it only took me a day to read each book, thats when i know it's a good one. I recommend them!

Jasper said...

I read two books this summer. The girl who loved tom gordon and little brother. I dont remember tom gordon much because I read it at the begging of the summer but little brother is a great book with an exiting plot,fun characters and intense secens.

Victoria Greenberg said...

I really love to read just for fun, so thats why I read a bunch of books this summer. If I had to choose, my favorites were the ones i chose to do for summer reading. I read Hope was Here and it was a really good book but it is best if you like political issues and sicknesses. The other book was called A loser's Guide to Life and Love. That book was super funny and really entertaining. It is based on william shakespears play A Midsummers Night Dream. I recommend both of them because they were both amazing!

Andrew said...

hey MisS. Sullivan, during the summer I had read the books, The Crossing, and for my free read book I read Safe at Second. My favorite out of the both of them would have to be The Crossing. I enjoyed it so much, because it talked about how the Mexicans jumped the border (it was a page turner). However I am not reading a book right now but I will be, because I have bought a book from the book fair. I don't remember the name of it, but it is about war in Iraq.

Clara said...

This summer I read many books. Some of them were: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Marked, Frogs and French Kisses, Hope Was Here, and Spells and Sleeping Bags. They were all very good! My favorite would have to be The Perks of Being a Wallflower because it was more serious than the rest and I read it in about 2 days, which tells you that I literally was glued to the pages! I would recommend it to anyone anywhere because it's very different and funny, but also is sad and serious and has those moments where you're like "Whoa, did that really just happen?".

Stephanie Bitsoli said...
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Eric said...

I read two books this summer, the boy in the striped pajamas by John Boyne, and Monster by Walter Myers. The first one was good but monster was just a terrible book to put on the summer reading list. The whole book is one scene so it is hard to write some of the questions about it on the story maps. The book itself was all right.

Anna said...

I have read a variety of books this summer. One book i read was My Sisters Keeper. It was realy interesting to read about a girl about our age who had to make decisions on her own wihout her parents help. Also i read a book called That was Then This is Now. It was also really interetng reading about a boy who had gotten into some bad things an make his way out of them by doing the right thing. I also read a book called forever that talked about a younge couple and there relationship. It was a very good book that was hard to put down.

Elena Sostilio said...

The books i read this summer were The Secret Diary of Ashley Jeurgens, Breaking Dawn, and Pretty tough. I had already read Breaking Dawn but i re-Read it beacause it was my favorite of the twilight series. I read the secret life of Ashley Jeurgens beacause i love the T.V. show, and Pretty tough was recomended to me by Rachel Wagner. I loved all of the books, and i find that interesting because none of them are similar in anyway. Well byee(:

Victoria said...

I have read this book called "Weird Massachusetts" and its about things that happend in the state we live in long ago. I chose to read it because the cover looked good. It was okay at first then it kind of got confusing in the middle. Anyways, I am starting to read a new book.

Brianna said...

I have read the book called The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld . It Was one of the best books ive read because it had a lesson even though it was fictional it still had a lesson that people should learn from especially teens , Dont be Influenced by what your friends or other people do just do you and do whats right.

Guilherme S said...

Even though I don't like reading,I actually read this summer.I read the book Diary Of A Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney.This is a great graphic novel.I recommend this to everyone out there who likes to read about middle school and teen life!

Guilherme S said...

Even though I don't enjoy reading,I actually read this summer.I read the book Diary Of A Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney.I loved this book!I recommend this book to people out there that loves to read about middle school and teen life!

Allen said...

I read three books over the summer, Monster, Jurassic Park, and a book my grandmother wrote, The Roller Coaster Ride, it is about bipolar depression and uses a fictional story to tell what the life of someone with bipolar could be like.

Nick said...

This summer I read "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" and I HATED IT!!!!!!!!It was so stupid because he was depressed the entire book except for the last page.I also read the Uglies books, The last thing I remember, and Lord of the Flies which all good books.

Daniel said...

During the summer one of the books I read was Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer.I usually don't like to read, but it was an interesting and vivid book adout a girl and her aunt moving all over the country and still trying to live an ordinary life.When you start reading you just cant put the book down.For a change it was nice to like doing something that I have to do.

Natalie(: said...

This summer I read the book pretty little liars by sara shepard and I have to say it was a very good read. I could barely put the book down and right when I finished it I couldnt wait to read the sequel!

Unknown said...

In addition to reading That Was Then, This is Now and The Diamond of Darkhold, I also read some of Huckleberry Finn! I'm not done yet but I love the classics! And like Emily, I've read a Geroge Orwell book, 1984. It was similar to The Giver in some ways and it was a very, very dark book.

Anonymous said...
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Macia said...

I finished up Romiette and Julio for my summer reading. It's an awesome remake of Romio and Juliette, and it's really good! I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I'm in the middle of this book called "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen. It's something i can sometimes relate to. Read them both they are really amazing! Macia

Eustaquio said...

I read a lot of books this summer. my favorite books though were The Hunger Games and its sequels by Suzanne Collins because I was engrossed in the first one and I decided to read the second one, which was even better. So when the third one came out, I bought it too. they're very detailed and creative. What I liked a lot about them is that it was present tense, so it felt like your in the story too. I recommend reading all three of the books, because if you like fiction/adventure/survival books, these books are all of those put together.

Rachel said...

I read Pretty Tough over the summer. I absolutly loved that book! I loved it so much because it told me to be thankful for what I have. I reccomend this book to anyone who loves reading. It's a fun book.

Jimmy said...

I read the Supernaturalist this summer. I would recommend it for a free reading book because it has a lot of twists and the story keeps you very interested.

kristin said...

over the summer i read the book, hope was here. it was an interesting book that i could relate too wich i liked to make connenctions to the book. also it was a book that had alot of life lessons that you could relate too such as, never give up what you beileive in.

Laura said...

i read a lot of books this summer. My favorite would have to be 12 Long Months by Brian Malloy. I really enjoyed it because it was about accepting the ways of people live. I also enjoyed the book No More Dead Dogs by Gordan Korman. He's one of my favorite. I must say i did NOT like the book The Hunger as many of my friends did.

Douglas said...
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Douglas said...

I read the book called monster. This book was about a 16 year old that went to jail for murder. This was not going the book I would read because on the title. I don't like scary books or movie. What made read this book was the awards the book got. That's why I read the book monster.

Drew said...

This summer, i read That was Then, Thsi is Now by S.E. Hinton. It was a good book about violence and drugs in a small neighborhood. The main characters are two sixteen year old boys named Mark and Brian. They live together and are like brothers. They do everything together, especially get in trouble. But when one of them goes too far, it will change their lives forever. I recommend this book to anyone who likes real life problems and a good story.

joao said...

the book i red was the giver by louis lowry i read because is was the only book i could find

Joao said...

sorry read

Cassio Bigdaddy Daros said...
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Cassio... said...

I read The Supernaturalist by Eion Colfer. It's a fantasy book with a good story. What I found interesting is that even if you know that a fantasy story isn't true you think about dilemas involving ghosts as if they were real. That's why i read the book.

Victor said...

I have read two book this summer for school and they were monsters and the lightning thief,i read like three more.

Unknown said...

This summer i read a really great book called " love Story " by Erich Segal and it was an amazing book i really enjoyed it . It made me kept reading and not want to stop =0 . I really recoomend it its an awsome romance / tragedy / and struggle book . :) bye - Mayza

Ally S said...

I read a couple of differant books this summer but the one i really liked was Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy by Ally Carter. I thought it was really good and i bought the sequal at the book fair. I also read The Voice That Challended A Nation Marion Anderson And The Struggle For Equal Rights by Russell Freedman and even though i usually like to read, this book was really boring and i would start reading it then wake up like 2 hours later because i would literally fall asleep reading it.

Esteice said...

I didnt have a lot of time to read this summer except for my summer reading but i did get a chance to start one of the Gossip Girl's books and i've liked it so far

Peter said...

This summer I read a book called The Supernaturalist. It is a very interesting book because it takes place in a not so perfect future. Everything is made of steal and the pollution issue is just ignored. Judging by the color of the sunrise, you can tell if the chemicals in the atmosphere are going to be deadly on that day or not. Anyways, the book is intriguing because every time you think the plot is heading in one direction, all of a sudden it switches and goes in a different one. Every morning I couldn't wait to start reading that book. It's a truly great story.

Jessica said...

This summer I read Monster. This book was very realistic for a fiction book! I recomend this book for anyone who enjoys a good suspense book, in this book the suspense was seeing what verdict the main character Steve would get in the end. Also if you enjoy shows that involve court you'll enjoy this book. I started another book this summer called Tomcat In Love by Tim O'Brien, it is an excellent book so far and it is by my favorite author, I recommend any book by him!

Andre said...

Hey ms. Sullivan! So this summer I only read one book called Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I chose to read this book because i needed to do summer reading and I've seen some of the movies and they're pretty good! But overall the book is great, it really gets you into the story! I'd recommend it to anyone and everyone! Bye!

Edward said...

i don't like to read but one book i enjoyed reading was vampire plaques i liked reading this book because it was very interesting and kept me wanting to read more. i recommend this book to anyone.

Lori DiGisi said...

You are right, the book is called Romiette and Julio, and you should read to the end, because the ending is quite different from Romeo and Juliet!
How was the book The Lightening Thief different from the movie?

Emily, I will be interested to hear what you think of Animal Farm after you go through the Facing History and OurselvesUnit this year. Let's talk then!

Lori DiGisi said...

To All of You Who Read the Hunger Games,
I hope you went on to read the other two books in the series, Catching Fire and Mockingjay! It is amazing to follow Katniss Everdeen through the series.. It brings up many questions about leaders... those who choose to become leaders, and those who become leaders because people choose them.
If there is enough interest, maybe we can have a lunch talk about the books. I'll bring dessert!
Dr. DiGisi

Lori DiGisi said...

Thank you for that wonderful description of the heart of Hope was Here. You are absolutely right, you need to be interested in politics, society, and how disease affects people to enjoy this book. I loved it because I was a waitress, so I really understood their perspectives. Your comments helped my understand how to recommend it to people who have not been a waiter or waitress!
Thanks you.
Dr. D.

Nate Duda said...

Mrs. Sullivan this summer i read a book named A world Away. It is about an 18 year old boy, Dan Clay who is a nerd. He had a brother named Will but dissapeared 13 years ago. No one knows where he is and he tries to find him by going on a hunt. I enjoyed this book and recommend it to everyone.

Estelle said...

i read the book bone this summer and im tryin to finish the whole series because im so addictedto it!!

Stephanie said...

I read many books this summer, including The Last Olympian by Rick Riordad. And the book "Life As We Knew It" by Susan Beth Pfeffer. The books were amazing, especially Life As We Knew It beacause the characters were very interesting, had great personality, and it was interesting to watch them change as the story goes on. The plot for Life As We Knew It was also very easy to follow, but not like a kid book.