Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Flowers For Algernon - Charlie's Regression B Block

Charlie Gordon participates in a scientific experiment that temporarily triples his I.Q. By the end of the story he has reverted back to his original intelligence level.  Does Charlie seem to be the exact same at the end of the story as he was at the beginning? Justify your response with evidence from the text.


Geraldo G. said...

No,although his intelligence is the same,his temper is very small.

Mrs. Sullivan said...


Tomas said...

I dont think charlies the same from the opperation because hes wierd being smart and i dont like him like that, also because hes coocooo and he also acting wierd like when he had a sissy fit in the cafe and yelled at evryone.

Diego said...

I think Charlie changed a lot from the beginning of the story. An example of this is at the beginning he let them joke around with him, but towards the end he didn't want to talk to any one.

Marcus said...

Yes Charlie's spelling has gotten worse at the end,also he lost his memory about all the things he did when he was intelligent.

Angel said...

i think charlie has a somewhat higher I.Q then and after the surgery.