Friday, October 9, 2009

Cole's Personality Flaw - E Block

Throughout the story, Cole has made many bad choices leading up to and during his banishment on the island. What do you think is Cole's greatest character flaw; a fault in his personality which has led him to make these decisions?


Robbie said...

I think the reason Cole has some much bad choices is because he was abused by his father and he doesn't know any better

Mrs. Sullivan said...

Robbie, you're right when you say that Cole's abusive dad has had an impact on Cole, but that doesn't fully explain his bad decision making. What (negative) personality traits does Cole possess that cause him to make the choices he does?

George said...

I think that Cole makes bad choices because he has anger issues. He is always angry because as a child he was neglected and beaten. He is mad at everyone and everything and that makes him make bad decisions.

Julia said...

I think that Cole's greatest character flaw is that he gets mad very easily. Also, when he gets mad he cant contain it. Another flaw he has is that he doesn't care about other people. He doesn't feel sorry for Peter or other people he is mean to.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Robbie that Cole made bad choices because he doesn't know any better, but he also made bad choices because he didn't really care and he would always get another "last chance"

Robbie said...

the personality traits that makes him choose is that he can't manage his anger

Mark said...

I think Cole makes bad choices because his parents really dont care about him which now he doesnt have anyone to look up to since most people look up to their parents. I also think Cole is looking for revenge on people since he was abused by his parents.

George said...

I agree with Mark that Cole dose not have anyone to look up to and so he dose not care about anyone or anything. I also agree with Julia on how he can't control his anger. His short temper could have gotten him into a lot of trouble at the circle justice meeting.

Uche said...

Stephanie, I think that Cole knew better than to make bad choices, but he just didn't want to because the way it looked to Cole was " I'm treated badly, and i don't deserve it so I'm going to treat you badly whether you deserve it or not " which is a wrongful thing to think but he didn't care. I also think there was a point in Cole's life where he realized no matter what he does he father abuses him so that probably when he began to do all these things.

Robbie said...

I agree with Mark because he dosen't have anyone to look up to and I also agree with Stephanie with the "last chance"

Stephanie said...

Uche, I personally think Cole made bad choices partly is because he wanted the attention and for people to care about him. Another reason is that he thinks his life is the worst life possible, but it really isn't. Cole's life is definitly not great but he made the worst of it.

Uche said...

Stephanie I agree with you because when Cole got on the island he realized that no one is there to give him the attention he craved. He didn't have the parents that he wanted so he found his own way to get people to notice him.

Julia said...

Uche, I had never thought of it that way but now that you mention it I agree. I think that maybe that is what could have been going through his mind. There are many different reasons of what he might have thought.

Jacob said...

I think his bigest personality flaw is his temper because he seems to get introuble for that. For example, he had a quick temper and he beat up Peter for telling on him. That eventually banished him to the island.

Anonymous said...

Priscilla said...

I would have to agree with Uche because it's true that there is no one on the island to give him the attention that he wants. Ms. Sullivan , I think the negative personality traits that cause him to make the bad choices is that his father always abused him for no reason , and his mother believed that drinking sent her head to La La Land to avoid reality , so basically , his mother didn't have the time for him , So Cole thought it was okay to treat other people bad because of the way he's treated .