Monday, November 3, 2008

Civil Rights Movement

What do you know about the Civil Rights Movement? (Please make sure to include your first name and last initial).


Anonymous said...

What i know about the civil rights movement is 1)when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. 2)Martin luther king giving his "i have a dream" speech. 3)When they would not let black kids go to the white kids schools. 4)when the black people began a march to montgomery to support there voting rights. 5)when president johnson signed the civil rights act of 1968 prohibiting descrimination in the sale , rental, and financing of housing, that is what i know about the civil rights movement.

Kyle S.

Anonymous said...

The Civil Rights Movement is about when the african americans were slaves. The under ground rail road was created to help the slaves escape slavery. The railroad used signals like quilts over th roof to tell the escaping slaves when it was safe to come in. The slaves wern't allowed to learn to read or write because it might help them to escape. There was a slave that learned to read and write because his wife's owner taught him to.

Jordan Pinsky said...

Jordan Pinsky A block
The civil rights movement lasten from 1955-1965.The civil rights movement was happening because blacks weren't able to do certain things, like ride on the bus where ever they wanted. During the civil rights movement, actions were made such as the bus boycot. This is when, the blacks in Motgomery, Alabama refused to ride the bus until they could sit where ever they wanted. This is the cicil rights movement.

Anonymous said...

What I know about the civil rights movement is that it is the time when Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous speech. The speech was about his dream to give all people equal rights no matter the color of their skin. The black people were treated poorly and pushed around by the white people. Some famous African Americans are Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Anonymous said...

the civil rights movement was when all americans regardless of race were trying to get equal rights.

Anonymous said...

After african americans got their independence from slavery, they were still thought a lower rank than americans. They had seperate water fountains, if an american needed a seat on the bus african americans had to give it to them. Martin Luther King JR. who was african american stood up for their rights which started the civil rights movements. Rosa Parks also stood up by refusing to give up her bus seat to an american.

O'Leary said...

I think the Civil Rights Movement took place in the 1ate 1950s and early 1960s. Martin Luther King was a hero but was assasinated. The goal of the Civil Rights Movement was to give African Americans equal rights as Americans.

Anonymous said...

I know a very minimal amout about the civil right movement. I know some about martin luther king and also rosa parks. They were both leaders in the civil rights. I belive the whole movement started with segregation being banned from the south. Even after that "Black" people were still not treated fairly and civil rights was them trying to get the respect they deserved.