Friday, December 12, 2014

Night - Never Shall I Forget (C Block)

When Elie arrives in camp, he states, "The night had passed completely.  The morning star shone in the sky. I too had become a different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed by the flames. All that was left was a shape that resembled me. My soul had been invaded - and devoured - by a black flame."  (pg. 37)

What does this quote show about how Elie has been affected by his imprisonment, and how does this relate back to the Never Shall I Forget passage on pg. 34?

Night - Never Shall I Forget (B Block)

When Elie arrives in camp, he states, "The night had passed completely.  The morning star shone in the sky. I too had become a different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed by the flames. All that was left was a shape that resembled me. My soul had been invaded - and devoured - by a black flame."  (pg. 37)

What does this quote show about how Elie has been affected by his imprisonment, and how does this relate back to the Never Shall I Forget passage on pg. 34?

Night - Never Shall I Forget (F Block)

When Elie arrives in camp, he states, "The night had passed completely.  The morning star shone in the sky. I too had become a different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed by the flames. All that was left was a shape that resembled me. My soul had been invaded - and devoured - by a black flame."  (pg. 37)

What does this quote show about how Elie has been affected by his imprisonment, and how does this relate back to the Never Shall I Forget passage on pg. 34?

Night - Never Shall I Forget (E Block)

When Elie arrives in camp, he states, "The night had passed completely.  The morning star shone in the sky. I too had become a different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed by the flames. All that was left was a shape that resembled me. My soul had been invaded - and devoured - by a black flame."  (pg. 37)  What does this quote show about how Elie has been affected by his imprisonment, and how does this relate back to the Never Shall I Forget passage on pg. 34?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Summer Reading

Hey Blue Team! Take a minute and tell us all about what you've been reading; not just for school but for your own pleasure, too.  What do you think about what you've read?  What's a book you absolutely loved, either from this summer or any time before?